I dont usually follow the Eurovision stuff and I didnt watch the competition this year either. But I listened to the final performances from Youtube and I have to say that I was happy Conchita won. She can sing, the song was good and she looked wonderful :) Definitely better than most of the previous winners.
sunnuntai 11. toukokuuta 2014
Euroviisut, Eurovision
En yleensä seuraa euroviisuja enkä niitä katsonut tänäkään vuonna. Mutta kuuntelin finaaliesitykset youtubesta ja kerrankin voitti joku joka osaa laulaa ja laulukin on oikein tarttuva sekä kaunis esiintyjä :) Parempi kuin suurinosa viime vuosien voittajista. Hienoa Conchita!!!
I dont usually follow the Eurovision stuff and I didnt watch the competition this year either. But I listened to the final performances from Youtube and I have to say that I was happy Conchita won. She can sing, the song was good and she looked wonderful :) Definitely better than most of the previous winners.
I dont usually follow the Eurovision stuff and I didnt watch the competition this year either. But I listened to the final performances from Youtube and I have to say that I was happy Conchita won. She can sing, the song was good and she looked wonderful :) Definitely better than most of the previous winners.
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