I don´t get excited about new bands quite often anymore. I have the bands I listen and thats it but I have to say that this band has slowly become one of my favorites. I´ve heard couple of songs before but now I have really listened to the albums and I really like them. Interesting, little bit different, finnish metal band. Everybody should listen :)
keskiviikko 16. huhtikuuta 2014
Bändi: Battle Beast
Olen tunnetusti musiikin suhteen aika kaavoihin kangistunut ja harvoin enää nykyään jaksan innostua mistään uudesta mutta pakko sanoa että tämä bändi on nyt lyömässä itseään suosikkien joukkoon. Olen aiemmin kuullut pari kappaletta ja ajattelin että hyvä soundi. Mutta nyt olen oikein ruvennut enemmän kuunteleen ja erittäin mielenkiintoinen, vähän erilainen, suomalainen metallibändi :) Kannattaa laittaa kuunteluun.
I don´t get excited about new bands quite often anymore. I have the bands I listen and thats it but I have to say that this band has slowly become one of my favorites. I´ve heard couple of songs before but now I have really listened to the albums and I really like them. Interesting, little bit different, finnish metal band. Everybody should listen :)
I don´t get excited about new bands quite often anymore. I have the bands I listen and thats it but I have to say that this band has slowly become one of my favorites. I´ve heard couple of songs before but now I have really listened to the albums and I really like them. Interesting, little bit different, finnish metal band. Everybody should listen :)
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Kesä alkaa oleen lusittu, mikä sopii mulle vallan mainiosti. Syksy on suosikki vuodenaika 💓💓💓

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